

A special tradition for volunteers and diners. Welcome to 100th Waffle Shop fundraiser.

“I think she would put her hand on my shoulder and say I’m so proud of you,” said Davies.
100th anniversary of Waffle Shop fundraiser

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Inside the Downtown Presbyterian Church, you'll find city leaders and volunteers serving coffee and waffles to anyone looking for a plate for the 100th anniversary of the Waffle Shop fundraiser.

The fundraiser helps the church feed and clothe the unhoused of the city every Saturday for the entire year.

“About 150 people come through these doors of various states of life and we make sure they feel like they’re welcome and valued human beings and treat them with dignity that’s what’s important,” said Pastor Zach Sasser.

Year after year for a century, volunteers have helped keep the Waffle Shop tradition going.

“We are honored to have you here,” said volunteer Luda Davies. “I remember being in this church when I was little.”

As an adult, Davies carries on her own tradition. She's now served and carried Waffle Shop trays and plates for decades.

She'll tell you she likes the run-around.

“You grab that table or grab that water or whatever needs to be done. It’s fun to be with the people,” said Davies.

But it's someone who used to be in the room who keeps her going.

“What I think about is what a character my mother was and that is what I would like to emulate just that character of caring for people and doing service,” said Davies.

Her mother died when she was young.

But a friend showed Luda a newspaper clipping of her mother volunteering and serving these same Waffle Shop waffles decades ago.

“To think about yes she was here and this is what she looks like at that age,” said Davies.

For Luda it's not only about bringing the community closer, she feels closer to her mother here.

“I think she would put her hand on my shoulder and say I’m so proud of you,” said Davies.

Nashville councilmembers even recognized the Downtown Presbyterian Church's 100th Waffle Shop with a resolution.

It was passed by council last month.