

COB interviews continue into day two; James Shaw interview rescheduled

and last updated

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Metro Council members continued on day two of nominee interviews for the Community Oversight Board.

Several people were interviewed Thursday. One of the scheduled interviews was Waffle House shooting hero, James Shaw Jr.

Shaw Jr. stopped the shooter from killing more people at the Antioch Waffle House in 2018. He was nominated by the Equity Alliance.

The interview was scheduled for 7 p.m. After 10 minutes had passed and he did not show, the interviews continued.

The rules state, "Any nominee who fails to appear as scheduled shall be deemed to have withdrawn his/her name from nomination."

After concluding all scheduled interviews, the council appeared to be preparing for a late interview with Shaw, but then wrapped for the night.

According to Vice Mayor Jim Shulman, Shaw Jr.'s interview has been rescheduled for Saturday afternoon.

Others that were interviewed Thursday can be found here.