Tensions ran high during Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
During the hearing, Senator and Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker said President Trump's actions "create tremendous distrust in our nation, among our allies."
He asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "What is it that causes the President to purposely ... create distrust in these institutions and what we are doing?"
Pompeo responded, sayig he disagreed with Corker. He said the Trump administration has been "tougher than previous administrations."
Later, in an interview Corker expanded on his concerns.
"To purposefully cause the American people to misunderstand the contributions about the NATO contributions, and to cause them to misunderstand NATO, to drive public opinion against NATO... not unlike what he happened right after Charlottesville," said Corker. "Why does he do those things - create tremendous distrust in our nations, among our allies, it's palpable. Is there a strategy to this? What is it that causes the president to purposely create distrust in these institutions?"