

Davidson Co. Development Keep Taxes Low For Residential Property Owners


About 247,700, that's how many residential properties folks with the Assessor of Property office have been working to reappraise since the beginning of the year.

"This is the time when you're going to be receiving your knew value of your home…for tax purposes," Davdison County Property Assessor Vivian Wilhoite said. 

Wilhoite said the first thing homeowners should do is compare their 2017 reappraisal with the one from four years ago and keep in mind the county wide average increase is 37 percent.

"If it's increased by less than 37 percent, you're going to pay less in taxes. If it's increased right at 37 percent you'll pay about the same in taxes and if its increased by more than 37 percent you'll pay a little bit more in taxes," said Wilhoite. 

All the construction happening around town may be a bit of burden to live with, but when it comes to taxes it's helping property owners out.

"Davidson County makes revenue on new construction and that's what offsets the tax rate many times," Wilhoite said. 

For the first time since 2000 the amount of commercial assessed values outweighs residential values, it means the tax burden now lies on commercial businesses.

However, that doesn't mean every homeowner's property assessment will be accurate. "We’re not going to get them all right but hearing from you could help make sure that the 99 percent of them that we’ve gotten right, that we close the gap on that one percent,” Wilhoite explained.

If you feel your's is to low or high, her office needs to hear from you. "We want to hear from property owners if they feel like their property value is not quite right," she said. 

You can visit online at or call the call center at 615-862-6059.