LEIPER'S FORK, Tenn. (WTVF) — Jamie Villers and her friends put on a memorable routine at Leiper's Fork Christmas Parade.
"We are going to our ninth annual Leiper's Fork wacky Christmas Parade," said Jamie.
From practice to perfect her Power Drill Team goes through the routine then brings a dance off to the parade line-up.
"We enjoy sitting in the field for a while so we warm up," said Jamie. "We have really developed a drill team and a team spirit and a team family."
The Leiper's Fork parade mesmerized Jamie when she first saw it.
"I wanted something unique to entertain the crowd," said Jamie.
While she repaired the fencing at her home the idea popped in her head.
"We had the gator behind us will the drill and the wood and the screws and it got to where I was doing a rhythm," said Jamie. "We could be a drill team but we could use a power drill."
The group one first place twice at the Franklin parade and a secrete ingredient put their chili on the map.
"And I mentioned to the girls you guys want to enter the chili cook-off and we beat the firemen," said Jamie.
That secret ingredient is friendship and a full heart bringing laughter to the Leiper's Fork Christmas Parade.
Do you have more information about this story? You can email me at (Kim.Rafferty).

It takes a village! Hats off to the Wilson County Rotary clubs for investing in our kids in such a tangible way. Putting 100,000 books in the hands of little learners is something to celebrate. I love that they store the books in a bank vault — they truly are priceless!
-Carrie Sharp