

Family forced into bankruptcy twice over medical debt

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — A stack of medical bills nearly four inches thick sits neatly on the kitchen table of Tammy and Tony Nation. It serves as a constant reminder of the debt they can't pay off.

Last year, Tony started experiencing debilitating headaches. After three days in the hospital, doctors determined Tony had severe bleeding in his brain.

That brief stay in the emergency room cost his family $43,000. They have minimal insurance and are now responsible for most of the bills that come in.

It's like getting kicked in the gut over and over again," Tony said.

Like nearly half a million other Americans, the Nations will soon be filing for bankruptcy because of their medical debt. It will be the second time in the last decade they've been forced to do so.

"All it takes is one major thing to go wrong and we could possibly be homeless," Tammy said.

Click here: To read more of Chris' Medical Debt Rescue reporting