NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — You know the old saying, 'you can't go back.' One group is proving that's not necessarily true. They have drive, and they haven't lost a step. It's a story about the comebacks we appreciate even more the second time around.
The team on the court one afternoon was made up of members who have been rivals, who have been teammates, who have an amazing combined experience. Together, a group of women between 50 and 68-years-old were still showing how it's done on the basketball court. Watch them play in the video above.
"I went to Hillwood High School," said Dalneva Stringer. "I graduated in '81. Everyone, being as tall as I am, would say, 'oh! Do you play basketball?' Easy answer? Yes!"
"I was a superstar at Hillsboro High," added Renee Spencer. "I was taller than anybody growing up. Big Bird is what they called me. I didn't like it at the time, but I'm glad to be tall now."
"I went to Pearl High School," said Helen Beard. "We played in the state tournament, and we won in 1980."
This team came together when Dalneva one day was having a talk with the facility coordinator of the Hartman Park Regional Recreation Center.
"I just mentioned to her, 'I wish I could find out more about the senior Olympics,'" Dalneva remembered.
Then Dalneva got to thinking, she still knows a lot of the players from those various places back in high school.
"I'm like, 'at 58, you want me to play?'" Renee said. "I accepted the challenge, and I'm glad that I did."
It expanded from there. Renee knew Helen.
"We played at Fisk University together," Renee explained.
"The one-two punch! Kobe and Shaq!" Helen laughed. "I was ready!"
Soon, the Hartman Ladies were formed.
"Oh yeah, we good," Dalneva smiled. "Even now, you're gonna see those moves!"
"Your knees don't work like they used to," said Renee. "You just put some Icy Hot on there and keep it moving. I'm pretty confident I got my game back."
The Hartman Ladies were put to the test. At the recent Tennessee Senior Olympics, it was all coming down to that Fisk University duo of Renee and Helen.
"It was nine seconds left to go in the game," Renee remembered. "Helen had the ball, and she lobbed it to me. I tapped it back out to her like a volleyball tap. She lobbed it back to me, I turned around and shot the ball. It rolled around, and it went in."
"She hit the shot, and it was beautiful," Helen said. "It was beautiful!"
"Oh, so excited," Renee said. "It was like a magical moment."
The Hartman Ladies won a bronze medal and are now preparing for the National Senior Games to be held in Des Moines next year.
All of them share memories of the years playing in high school, the comradery, how fun it was to play back then. Now, they can do it all over again.
"We still have it," said Dalneva. "We can do this."
"It's not easy to move like you did as a teenager, but it's mind over matter," Renee added.
"It's unbelievable," Helen said. "It's unbelievable. Words can't even describe how much this means to us, being able to play at our age at our level."

With new technology comes new ways to help people. This story shows a great use of AI that is starting to be rolled out in Tennessee. This one can help those who may be blind, deaf or neurodiverse navigate the Tennessee State Library and Archives from an app on their smart phone.
-Lelan Statom