

MDHA Housing Application Process Draws Questions


There are 20 public housing properties all across Nashville according to Jamie Berry, MDHA's director of communications. 

"We have eight family properties, five contemporary properties, three elderly only properties and four elderly and disabled properties," she said.

To get in, applicants have to get on a waiting list.  The application process for contemporary sites started Monday and it hasn't been smooth sailing for everyone.  "I've received hundreds of private messages and public comments on Facebook," said Berry.
That's because some people have run into problems.  "One of the things they will need to do in this go around is create a new user name and password even if they applied last month for our family properties," said Berry.

People who didn't make these changes, couldn't complete the application, making some believe there were issues with the site, but Berry said that's not true.

"There might've been a bit of a delay right at noon when the waiting list opened on Monday, but our site is working great today," she said.

So Berry suggested for people to log on quickly as it's on a first come first served basis.  She also recommends reapplying for housing to be added to five additional waiting lists.  Others just aren't sure if they can apply.  "If someone is on the Section 8 waiting list, they have every right to apply for this waiting list," Berry said.  "In fact we encourage that."

Also, to live in one of these MDHA homes you have to be able to get utilities in your name, make an annual income of $10,400, be elderly or disabled. The process takes just three minutes.  "It's quick and easy because this is just a pre application for the application process," said Berry.  "The application will happen once they contact you when they reach your name on the waiting list."

If you still need help applying for housing,  you can stop by the Randee Rogers Training Center Monday morning located at 1419 Rosa L. Parks Blvd.  May 9 is also the application deadline.  You have until 3 p.m. to apply.  For more information click here.