

NAACP Responds To DA's Findings In Clemmons Investigation

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Officials with the NAACP and Justice for Jocques Coalition held a press conference expressing their frustration and anger following the announcement that no charges would be filed in the shooting death of Jocques Clemmons.

Clemons' family, friends, and supporters said they were angry but not surprised at the outcome of the investigation.

The group opened the conference with a prayer which was then followed up with the , "what do we want? Justice. When do we want it? Now." 

"It's a sad day today. It was a bad day Feb. 10th. It didn't have to happen...This coalition is here to hold everybody accountable. we can't continue to let these kind of things happen," said Ludye Wallace

Both attorneys for the Clemmons family spoke.

"This family has heard the decision of authorities with regard to the exoneration of Officer Lippert and they do not accept it. They do not accept the version of facts presented by the DA. They do not accept the version of facts presented by the TBI. They do not accept the investigative findings by the Office of Professional Accountability. This family will continue to fight for justice for Jocques," said attorney Michael Hoskins.

Clemmons' sister explained her frustration and confusion of the ongoing culture among police and Nashville's black community.

"To allow the law enforcement to shoot a man in the back, in my eyes, is giving everyone the ok to kill. Whether he was shot in the back first or the hip first, why was one shot not enough for that officer to stop shooting?" said Aja Tate. We can't win because of the color of our skin. We can't win. That's getting old."

The group took questions from reporters and ended the conference continuing to chant "No justice. No peace."