NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — A Nashville man with an extensive criminal history was charged Thursday after a deadly shooting on McDaniel Street.
The shooting happened at around 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, and police issued a warrant for Kenneth Beach's arrest on Thursday morning. Josue Riscar Chirino died from his injuries, which included multiple gunshot wounds. Beach turned himself into the police Thursday afternoon.
The 39-year-old has a long criminal history in Nashville, dating back to 2002.
NewsChannel 5 reported on a shootout in 2013 on Porter Road. Beach did not explain what led up to the shooting, but police said the victim was sitting in his truck when Beach pulled into the parking lot. For some reason, Beach walked up to the victim's car and slashed his back tire. The two had a short conversation and then police me Beach shot him in the leg. He then got back into the car he came in and left.
Beach was also found not guilty by reason of insanity in 2004 in relation to an attempted first-degree murder case.
Sept. 3, 2002: Possession or casual exchange — dismissed | possession of a weapon — judgment deferred, no conviction
Nov. 8, 2002: Criminal trespassing — guilty
March 4, 2003: Possession or casual exchange — guilty
Jan. 4, 2004: Attempted second-degree murder — not guilty by reason of insanity
May 11, 2006: Felony possession with the intent of sell and misdemeanor possession of a weapon — guilty | felony intent with intent-schedule IV and unlawful drug paraphernalia — dismissed
Nov. 11, 2007: Misdemeanor of possession or casual exchange — guilty
March 27, 2008: Felony controlled substance — dismissed | Possession with intent to sell — guilty to a lesser charge
Aug. 22, 2013: Felony possession of a weapon — guilty
Aug. 24, 2014: Felony assault, aggravated - deadly weapon — guilty | vandalism under $500 — dismissed
Oct. 16, 2015: Driver license revoked — dismissed
Aug. 23, 2018: Felony dangerous weapon with prior, possession or casual exchange, drug possession, possession with intent to sell — dismissed