

Nashville Symphony trumpet player holding show to benefit Sexual Assault Center

Will Leathers

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — There's a Nashville musician who does a whole lot of performing downtown, though he's not what you're expecting. He's using his talent to help others, and he's hoping you'll join him.

"I'm principle trumpet of the Nashville Symphony," Will Leathers said. "I don't remember a day in my life that I didn't hear any trumpet happening in the house. The entire reason I started playing trumpet myself is I wanted to be like my dad. He was a commercial jazz trumpet player. When I play the trumpet, it feels like a part of me."

With his musical ability helped along by his dad, Will said another part of his character was given to him by his mom.

Will shared a video of his sixth birthday party. His mom helped him put together a presentation leading people toward humanitarian aid.

"She helped me create a campaign to raise money for World Vision," Will said. "I realized at that young age, there were a lot of people around the world not as fortunate as I am."

Will's kept that up, using his birthday to help charitable causes.

"We went out and handed out care packages to homeless people," he said about his last birthday.

Will and friends are now rehearsing for a show Tuesday night at 7:30, January 28 at 3rd & Lindsley. It's called Turning Music Into Hope.

"This year the charitable cause is for the Sexual Assault Center of Nashville," Will said. "There have come to light several instances in the classical music industry."

Will feels he can help, with 100% of the funds from the show going to the Center.

Most of us tend to carry on certain attributes of our folks. Will's taking the musical influences from his dad and the charitable heart of his mom and combining them for another birthday to remember.

"I feel that's the perfect opportunity to help people however I can," Will said.

Will said a generous donor has already bought a bunch of tickets for him to give away.
For one of those donated tickets, you can message Will at For more on the event, visit here.

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On a snow day at the Capitol, we met a silver suited snowboarding lawyer

Shred the gnar with Patrick - the snowboarding lawyer that will remind you not to take things too seriously! His cheeky, cheerful attitude is contagious. His only complaint? The lack of chairlifts at the Tennessee State Capitol of course. Watch his story for an instant pick-me-up on a frigid day.

-Rebecca Schleicher