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Black Minneapolis man who was shot by police dies


MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A black man who was shot during an apparent scuffle with Minneapolis police over the weekend has died, authorities said Tuesday as protesters waited to learn whether federal investigators planned to get involved.

Jamar ONeal Clark, 24, died Monday evening, the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said Tuesday. Clark's family had said he was put on life support after the early Sunday morning shooting. An autopsy is planned.

The shooting has sparked protests in Minneapolis, including one Monday night in which 42 people were arrested after they blocked an interstate highway. Some community members have alleged that Clark was handcuffed when he was shot, which police have disputed.

The BCA is investigating the case, but Mayor Betsy Hodges has requested a federal civil rights investigation.

Clark's brother, Jamine Robinson, 32, of Rochester, told The Associated Press earlier Tuesday that family members had gone to the hospital Monday evening to take Clark off life support. He said he didn't go because he didn't want to see his brother in a hospital bed.

"I want the officer to be arrested, prosecuted and put in jail for eternity. Life without parole," said Robinson.

Authorities haven't released many details about the shooting, including the names and races of the officers involved. The BCA scheduled a news conference for later Tuesday to discuss the case.

In seeking the civil rights investigation, Hodges said she was concerned about "transparency and community confidence." She expressed faith in the state investigation but said the city needs "all the tools we have available to us."

Two officers are on paid leave, which is standard practice after such an incident. Police Chief Janee Harteau said the officers were not wearing body cameras, but declined to say whether squad car or surveillance video was available, citing the ongoing investigation.

Protesters have set up tents around the 4th Precinct station near where the shooting occurred and said they won't leave until authorities release any video they have of the incident along with the officer's identity.

Police said the incident began when they were called to north Minneapolis around 12:45 a.m. Sunday following a report of an assault. When they arrived, a man was interfering with paramedics helping the victim, police said. Officers tried to calm him, but there was a struggle. At some point, an officer fired at least once, hitting the man, police said.

The protests are just the latest expression of tension between the department and minorities in the city.

The rocky relations have led to discussions between police and minorities and the creation of task forces designed to quell concerns. This spring, Minneapolis was selected for a federal Justice Department program to rebuild trust between police and the communities they patrol.