I am shocked by events in Paris tonight. Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people. We will do whatever we can to help.
— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) November 13, 2015
Deeply shocked by horrible events in #Paris tonight. My condolences for the families of the victims - we stand with #France.
— Sebastian Kurz (@sebastiankurz) November 13, 2015
WSJ: Angela Merkel 'deeply shocked' by Paris attacks: https://t.co/fMwKjBrbKtpic.twitter.com/QYw43XFiMi
— Kevin Flann (@IT_wasten) November 13, 2015
Insieme ai nostri fratelli francesi, contro l’atroce attacco a Parigi e all’Europa.
— Matteo Renzi (@matteorenzi) November 13, 2015
I follow with shock the attacks in Paris. My full solidarity & sympathy with the French people and authorities
— Donald Tusk (@eucopresident) November 13, 2015
Face à l'effroi, il y a une Nation qui sait se défendre, sait mobiliser ses forces et, une fois encore, saura vaincre les terroristes.
— François Hollande (@fhollande) November 13, 2015
Sweden's vice prime minister has just tweeted that tonight's attacks can make next month's COP21 more difficult #wtfhttps://t.co/XohX8UMLYi
— Richard Milne (@rmilneNordic) November 13, 2015