From the value meals and dollar menus, fast-food restaurants know how to do it fast and cheap. However, over the past decade, prices have been slowly going up.
Datassential, a research company studying restaurant menu trends, found median fast-food hamburger prices have jumped by 54 percent.
At McDonald’s, a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal will cost you almost $7. At Burger King, the Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger meal is almost $9.
So, what’s behind the hike in prices? Well, if you're a fan of places like Chipotle and Five Guys, that's why.
A burger and fries at a Five Guys will cost you around $10. Casual restaurants like Five Guys have become so popular that fast-food joints like Burger King and McDonald’s realize consumers are willing to pay a few bucks more for food.
Additionally, fast-food workers are finally getting paid a bit more, so in order to offset that cost, chains are charging more for food.
But despite the rise in prices, the chains still offer a quick meal and serve up great deals throughout the year.