A study was recently released looking at the most dangerous intersections in Davidson County, and the data uncovered showed that eight of the twelve most dangerous intersections in the Nashville area are in Antioch.
The intersection of Mt. View Road and Hickory Hollow Parkway was found to be the most dangerous intersection in town.
“You wouldn’t think of this intersection in Antioch being the most dangerous, because it doesn’t have the highest traffic volume,” Jonathan Williams, attorney with the Larry R. Williams law firm, explained, adding that it is the most dangerous due to the amount of crashes per car recorded. “There’s a lack of signage, there’s no advanced warning signs that there’s an intersection coming.”
The Larry R Williams law firm analyzed more than 37,000 collision records from 2015 and identified 61 high-risk intersections.
Next, the crash numbers from those intersections were compared to the annual traffic volume records from TDOT, so the firm was able to find figures based on how many cars travel certain intersections.
People who travel the intersection of Mt. View Road and Hickory Hollow Parkway said they realize it’s a problem area.
“It’s not safe, at all,” Somsack Sontsavillylack, pastor at Lighthouse Lao Baptist Church, said.
The church is located just below the intersection, and many times cars have crashed through the intersection onto their property.
Sontsavillylack wishes that some of them would care more about how their driving could impact others. “Some of them, they don’t care about what they do. They just speed up.”
Williams hopes that the information compiled from this study will help inform people about dangerous intersections they may drive on, and hopefully encourage the city to take action. “Call your councilman, talk about our study, talk about your neighborhood, and just be more careful when you drive through these areas.”
You can take a look at the study’s findings on the law firm’s website.