

Officers Injured In Prison Attack Released From Hospital


All three officers assaulted during the inmate attack at the Turney Center Industrial Complex in Hickman County have been released from the hospital.

Officer Lester Ball was released overnight Sunday, Officer Paul Nielsen was released from the hospital Wednesday night, and Officer Jesse Shockley was released Thursday afternoon.

Officials with the Tennessee Department of Corrections said the officers were in good spirits and would continue to recuperate with the full support and prayers of the Department of Correction and the community.

“I can’t tell you how thankful I am that all three of these officers are now back at home with their families,” says TDOC Commissioner Tony Parker.  “The support shown to them and to the Department by community leaders and the public has been truly inspiring, and we continue to pray for their recovery.”

Units involved in the incident remained on lockdown, while others have begun a modified activity schedule.