

Preventing Prostate Cancer

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CLEVELAND. (Ivanhoe Newswire) - The longer a man lives, the more likely he is to get prostate cancer at some point. Overall, one in seven men will be diagnosed with it in their lifetime. And the traditional test to spot I -- the PSA test, has several drawbacks, including possible complications from biopsies that often follow.

So why not try to avoid the tests altogether while cutting your risk of getting the disease?

“Do I know my normal PSA level? I’d have to say no, but should I? Yes,” Daniel Williams told Ivanhoe.
“I don’t think it’s fun for anybody,” John Cherry said.

Each year Eric Klein, MD, Urologist from Cleveland Clinic says, 700,000 men with a high PSA get a prostate biopsy, which can lead to a risky and dangerous infection

“So there are a lot of unnecessary biopsies that are done. Actually you don’t want to subject someone to a biopsy unless you’re likely to find something meaningful” Dr. Klein told Ivanhoe.

So why not skip the biopsy but still slash your risk of getting the disease altogether with a few simple changes in your diet? Sounds like a no-brainer

“Eat plants, that’s the healthiest thing to do. You don’t have to go paleo, but eat plants” Dr. Klein said.

Green veggies are great at slowing down the spread of cancer-causing substances. So men who eat three or more half-cups servings of green veggies a week drop their odds of getting prostate cancer by 41 percent. That’s huge.

The lycopenes found in red fruits such as tomatoes can, according to one study, lower the risk of prostate cancer by 35 percent and advanced prostate cancer by half.

And feast on fish! Omega-3’s found in tuna, trout and salmon also slow the growth of prostate cancer cells. But avoid fat.

“It’s fat. It’s grilled meat and fat,” Dr. Klein explained.

It’s a lot simpler and safer to fight against prostate cancer at your dining room table than at your doctor’s office.

And a few more dietary tips in the fight against prostate cancer: try using olive oil instead of butter, snack on nuts instead of cheese and don’t overcook your meat.