

Public Hearing Discusses AHCA


Tennesseans got the chance to ask experts questions about the American Health Care Act in a public hearing.

The Tennessee Justice Center hosted the event for the public since there hasn't been a public hearing on the bill.

Panelists offered a range of perspectives. Professors, an insurance agent and a physician fielded questions.

The statements and questions asked Monday night will be compiled and hand-delivered tomorrow to Senator Alexander and Senator Corker who are casting an important vote on the bill.

"We hope that they will look at the questions and realize we can't possibly vote on this without studying this, getting input from experts such as the ones who are testifying here tonight," said Gordon Bonnyman.

PresidentTrump sent a tweet Monday morning saying Republicans are still working hard to get the votes.

President Trump then signaled he may move on if the bills fails, writing: "Perhaps just let Obamacare crash and burn."