NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Tennessee tourism isn't all Broadway, bachelorettes and peddle-taverns. Now, tourists can visit the farm.
Jennifer Davis says she loves to showcase her roots.
"I’m a certified first Tennessean. My family has been in Tennessee since before Tennessee was a state in 1796," she said.
Born and raised in rural Tennessee, she found that farm life is in fact a novelty to many, so why not turn it into a business?
"I was bringing folks here anyway because they’re interested my friends from other places are interested in how we live in rural America," she said.
She calls it Rabbit Circle Rural American Farm Tours and says her agrotourism business is growing.
Graham and Miriam Kern are visiting from North Dakota.
"... Just have a interesting what are they do what’s a farm like in in Tennessee so here we are."
They spent the day exploring neighboring farms, picking blackberries and walking through rows of peach trees.
Davis doesn't have a set schedule, she just knows where to go.
"You need some kind of facilitator, "she said. "Someone who knows the farmers and is respectful of their space."
She says bringing eaters and the growers together is her passion and tourists are hungry for more.
Rabbit Circle schedules tours year-round. Click here for more information.