

Search warrants served and DNA swabs taken in Westmoreland murders investigation

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SUMNER COUNTY, Tenn. (WTVF) — Search warrants have been issued and items confiscated at the home of a relative of Michael Cummins.

This as the TBI now looks for possible accomplices in the Sumner County mass murder case.

The search warrant is very specific -- and casts a wide net.

"The TBI was there giving me a swab test. I had nothing to do with it," said Dwayne Robinson.

Robinson is the cousin to Michael Cummins - the prime suspect in the murders of David and Clara Cummins, Charlie Hosale, Rachel McGlothlin-Pee, her 12-year-old daughter Saphire, Marsha Nuckols and Shirley Fehrle.

Robinson denies helping Cummins in any way before or after Cummins allegedly committed the mass murder.

Robinson was likely one of the first people to see Cummins after the murders.

He said Cummins had wandered over to his property which is only about one block from where the crime was committed well before the bodies had been discovered.

"He said something bad happened and they are going to blame him for it. I knew something was wrong," said Robinson.

Robinson also noticed Cummins had blood on his shirt and was carrying a possible murder weapon.

"He had a hatchet and sharpened it on my grinder and everything," said Robinson.

And then Cummins disappeared into the woods.

Sources tell NewsChannel 5 the TBI is looking into whether others were in involved in the killings.

With the search warrant at Robinson's property, investigators were allowed to look for everything from human tissue to weapons. There are even areas in the home where you can see parts of the wall were moved to look behind.

Agents ended up taking a knife, a cellphone, towels, a bag and some movie rentals.

To date, no one else has been arrested in the case but the investigation is far from complete.

The District Attorney indicates it still may be several weeks before the TBI finishes and then turns over their case file so he can then pursue criminal charges.

The TBI does not comment on ongoing investigations.

Cummins himself still has not been formally charged. He remains in the hospital recovering from a gunshot wound to the leg.