SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Law enforcement in Shelbyville is investigating a case where a teenager was shot in the head in a road rage shooting Tuesday night.
Investigators don't have much to go on at this point and Bedford County deputies say the shooter is still on the streets.
It happened in the area of Normandy Road and Highway 41 South in Shelbyville. The 19 year old victim, identified by the Sheriff as Selena Southerland, was a passenger with four others in a car when investigators say the driver of a small white SUV, possibly a Saturn, drove next to them.
Investigators say the young driver told them the driver of the SUV was tailgating them. So he pumped his brakes. That's when the man in the SUV pulled up next to them cursing and he fired at least one shot.
One of the bullets struck Southerland in the head. The driver of the SUV turned around and sped off on Normandy Road.
Southerland was flown to a hospital after talking to first responders at the scene. The Bedford County Sheriff said the bullet that hit her went through a window and headrest first which slowed it down enough to not kill her.
This is an active investigation. We'll provide updates as we get them.

It takes a village! Hats off to the Wilson County Rotary clubs for investing in our kids in such a tangible way. Putting 100,000 books in the hands of little learners is something to celebrate. I love that they store the books in a bank vault — they truly are priceless!
-Carrie Sharp