

TVA, Regulators Strike Deal On Nuke Plant's Workplace Issues


The Tennessee Valley Authority has struck an agreement with federal regulators who found a chilled work environment at a TVA nuclear plant.

A U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspection in the fall of 2016 found TVA's Watts Bar Nuclear plant from November 2014 to August 2016 didn't follow orders to review whether actions against employees or contractors satisfied employee protection requirements or negatively affected the workplace.

In March 2016, the commission said the plant's perception was that operators can't raise safety concerns without fearing retaliation.

TVA settled in June, so the commission won't issue violations or civil penalties.

Among requirements, the commission said TVA has started an extensive review, hired safety culture consultants, and agreed to more communication, training, and audits.

Changes also applied to Browns Ferry and Sequoyah nuclear plants, as well as corporate offices.