NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Following President Donald Trump's second State of the Union address, Tennessee lawmakers were quick to react.
In a statement, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R) said, "President Trump conveyed an inspiring message and a hopeful vision for our country in tonight’s State of the Union message. He expressed confidence in our nation’s future and extended a hand to Democrats to work together, in unity, to produce results for all Americans." Sen. Blackburn was in attendance and brought Knoxville Fire Chief D.J. Corcoran as her guest. He and his wife lost their 22-year-old son in a crash in late December. The driver accused in the crash is an illegal immigrant who has since been handed over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Congressman Scott DesJarlais (R) also released a statement following Tuesday's address. "This State of the Union Address was an opportunity for him to address the American people directly, although millions, especially in Tennessee, are experiencing for themselves the power of conservative policies placing middle-class families and small businesses first. Lower taxes, lighter regulation, and energy independence have helped to create a surging manufacturing sector, rising wages and economic growth, which the prior Administration claimed would never return."
Congressman Steve Cohen (D) didn't attend the State of the Union address, but issued a statement about why he made that decision. "The current president has no respect for the truth and is the subject of numerous investigations regarding his administration, his campaign, his foundation, his business and his inaugural committee." The statement goes on to say, "We are all for border security but we will continue to disagree whether a $5.7 billion border wall is the answer. Diversity is our strength in this country and the President’s dog whistles about the nation’s golden yesteryears, his call to make America great ‘again’ is a false narrative to millions of Americans who fifty years ago did not enjoy the rights we now recognize for women, for minorities, for people with sexual and gender identity differences and for people with disabilities."
Representative Mark Green (R) applauded President Trump and his commitment to border security. In a statement, Rep. Green said, "Despite the unparalleled opposition this president has faced, he has fought harder and longer than other president in modern history to keep the promises he made to voters on the campaign trail." The statement goes on to say, "Tonight’s speech showcased the many accomplishments President Trump has achieved in the last two years. Our country is better off today than it was two years ago. Our economy is strong and Americans are keeping more of their hard-earned money. The president has stood up to our enemies and is helping bring needed change to places struggling for freedom. ISIS is scattered and fears us."