

The Fate Of The Final Defendant In The Holly Bobo Murder Case

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What's next for the state's star witness in the Holly Bobo murder case? Jason Autry is charged, but he helped send the two other defendants -- brothers Zach and Dylan Adams -- to prison. 

Now, some believe Autry, who is still jailed awaiting trail, will get a sweetheart deal.

That may happen, but not anytime soon. It's been ten months since a jury convicted Zach Adams of kidnapping raping and murdering Holly Bobo.

Zach Adams Found Guilty On All Counts In Murder Of Holly Bobo

He's now serving life in prison. There's no debate, Jason Autry put them there.

"What was your plan on disposing of Holly's body. Gut her," testified Autry at trial. 

Autry is a co-defendant. He was charged along with the Zach and his brother Dylan Adams in the Bobo case.

But last September Autry turned state's evidence to testify against Zach Adams.

"That's the way the game is played. You have circumstantial case with some physical evidence, but you need someone to tell the story. So, he was important. He told the story. and he was valuable. How valuable he was we'll find out when they cut his plea deal," said legal expert attorney Jim Todd. 

"I did not kidnap or rape her and I did not, but I lied and said I had no involvement," testified Autry. 

At trial, Autry admitted to trying to help Adams dispose of Bobo's body.

"I grabbed the upper torso of Ms. Bobo.

Zach left the tailgate down. I brought the torso to the tailgate where he grabbed the legs," said Autry. 

It was chilling testimony that sealed Adams' conviction and a life sentence.

A few months later his brother Dylan pleaded guilty to facilitation -- that's 35 years.

Autry's been jailed now for more than five years awaiting a trial that likely won't happen. 

What's in store for him? "Well, obviously a sweetheart deal would be probation," said Todd.   

That's counting time served. It could happen, but Todd says prosecutors are in no hurry resolve the case against their ace witness and here's why?

"The state is concerned that if the case is reversed and in my opinion there is a strong likelihood that they'll need him again," said Todd. 

Zach Adams attorney Jennifer Thompson has filed a notice of appeal. And she plans to cite several issues, alleged mistakes, arguing for a new trial.

So Autry could remain locked up until the appeals court rules - a least a couple more years.

For now, Autry remain incarcerated without bond in the Riverbend Maximum Security Prison.