

TN Lawmakers File Bill To Void SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling

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NASHVILLE, Tenn - The legal fight over gay marriage in Tennessee is not over. In fact, lawmakers just filed a bill in hopes to void the supreme court's ruling on same-sex marriage.

Despite the Court's ruling in June saying same-sex couples have a right to get married, two lawmakers are fighting to make sure the high court's ruling doesn't count in Tennessee.

State Representative Mark Pody and State Senator Mae Beavers filed the "Natural Marriage Defense Act," Thursday.

Supporters said the Supreme Court's ruling was unconstitutional and paved the way "for an all-out assault on the religious freedoms of Christians who disagree with it."

Opponents said the bill was unconstitutional.

Chris Sanders is the chairman of the Tennessee Equality Project.

The group fought for same-sex marriage for decades.

"It's not constitutional," Sanders said of the bill. "It's going to harm people and it's an exercise in futility."

Sanders said the bill will be struck down in court as soon as it is challenged.

Rep. Pody spoke at a religious freedom rally on Legislative Plaza, Thursday.

"This is a battle that we're fighting," he said. "It's not an earthly battle. We battle a spiritual battle. This is a prayer battle."

In June, Governor Haslam said the state would comply with the Supreme Court's ruling.

The bill will be taken up when the Legislature reconvenes in January.

To read the full Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act click here.