

Travel-Related Zika Case Confirmed In Mt. Juliet

and last updated

The first travel-related case of Zika virus has been confirmed in Mt. Juliet.

Those with the City of Mt. Juliet were informed by the Tennessee Department of Health and Wilson County Emergency Management Agency about the case on Friday.

According to reports, someone tested positive for the virus following travel to an area where active mosquito transmission of Zika has been taking place. Travel advisories had been issued in that area.

Officials confirmed there were still no locally-transmitted cases of Zika in the Mt. Juliet area or Tennessee.

Authorities reminded everyone to take precautions to prevent the spread of Zika.

“Though there has been local spread of Zika by mosquitoes in areas of South Florida, we have not identified any cases of Zika spread by mosquitoes in Tennessee. The people who have tested positive got the virus from traveling to other places where Zika virus is more widespread. However, the mosquitoes here in Middle Tennessee may be able to spread the Zika virus if they bite someone who has the virus, and then bite someone else,” stated Medical Doctor Deidra Parrish, Regional Medical Director for the Tennessee Department of Health, in a letter to area Mt. Juliet residents.

Friday, members from the Tennessee Department of Health and WEMA went door-to-door within a 200-yard radius to spread the word. That has been the recommended treatment distance of infected individuals’ residences to inform communities about confirmed cases.

Officials also released the following tips to help prevent Zika:

  • Apply EPA-approved insect repellent. (Follow manufacturer’s instructions)
  • Wear pants and long-sleeve shirts that cover exposed skin. In warmer weather, wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing that covers exposed skin.
  • Use screens or close windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out of your home.
  • “Tip and Toss” – Remove standing water in and around the home. This includes water in cans, toys, tires, plant saucers, and an0y container that can hold water.
  • Cover trash cans or containers where water can collect.
  • To avoid infecting local mosquitoes, people who travel to areas with active Zika transmission should apply insect repellent every time they go outside for at least three weeks after they return to Tennessee – and longer if they develop an illness that could be Zika.

Anyone with questions or anyone who believes they see possible Zika symptoms over the next two months has been asked to call the Tennessee Department of Health at 615-650-7000.

For more information on the Zika virus, click here.