

Violence forced her family to flee Guatemala. Then she died in the Antioch High School shooting.
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — It’s a coming-of-age tradition that Latinas like Josselin Dayana Corea Escalante dream of celebrating, a quinceanera, marking the transition from girlhood to womanhood.

It’s a day filled with makeup, photoshoots and a father-daughter dance.

“Ella era my apegada a mi. Cuando yo salia ella iba conmigo.”

"She was really close to me," her dad German Corea said. "Wherever I went, she went with me."

Those moments meant something to Dayana, too. Pictures from that special day are displayed in her room alongside her soccer cleats, her teddy bears and quotes that she lived by. These belongings wait for her, but she won't be coming back.

“Nose porque me le quitaron la vida a ella.”

"I don’t know why they took her life," German said.

Dayana's family brought her to Nashville in 2019 to give her better opportunities. They fled Guatemala because of violence.

“Uno viene huyendo aya y viene a caer a lo mismo aqui.”

But violence found them in America.

Dayana, at just 16, was killed in her high school cafeteria when another student opened fire.

“I just felt really broken inside 'cause she was someone that was really outgoing, nice. Always kept a smile on her face," her dad said.

Her family wants to make schools safer for all kids. But while changes may make schools safer for future students, nothing will bring back German’s little girl.

“Su sonrisa… su forma de ser…. La extrano mucho.”

"Her smile, her way of being, I miss her so much," he said.

Dayana's things will remain inside her home, but her final resting place will be her homeland.

“Fue el pais que me le quito la vida a la nina – no puedo dejarla aqui”

"This was the country that took my little girl’s life – I can’t leave her here," German said.

You can help the family bury their little girl - all you have to do is go to this GoFundMe link.

Do you have more information about this story? You can email me at

Wilson County Rotary Clubs donate 100,000th book to local schools

It takes a village! Hats off to the Wilson County Rotary clubs for investing in our kids in such a tangible way. Putting 100,000 books in the hands of little learners is something to celebrate. I love that they store the books in a bank vault — they truly are priceless!

-Carrie Sharp