Tax experts have spent their time getting the word out about free tax help, that many people may qualify for and not even realize it.
If your household earns $62,000 or less, you can access free tax help with the United Way’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, VITA.
The help comes from trained volunteers like Joe Buffler, who is a retired CPA.
So many of the people that come in, they can't afford to have their taxes prepared somewhere else, and they need their refund so bad,” said Buffler. “And you find some of them that when you tell them how much their refund is, tears come into their eyes and they say I can now buy shoes for my babies and my kids and when you hear that, it makes you want to come back and continue to participate in this program.”
Those volunteers are also trained to determine if you qualify for the "Earned Income Tax Credit."
The United Way partnered with 40 VITA sites throughout Middle Tennessee, including eight locations in Davidson County. To contact the helpline, and find the location nearest you, call or text 211.