

What letter grade would you give President Trump in the first 100 days?


One day left in President Trump's first 100 days and it seems everyone's got a grade for him, from his allies and friends to his enemies and "frenemies."

The President's got a "B" from his friend and supporter, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who credits the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch as the young administration's highlight.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, gave the president predictably low marks. "We haven't seen a jobs bill. We haven't seen an infrastructure bill. For all the talk, F. Broken promises on America's health care, F-minus," Pelosi said at a Thursday news conference.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, one of Trump's top Republican critics and former presidential primary rival, has given the president an "incomplete."

RELATED: Poll: Tell us what grade you'd give President Trump's first 100 days

But from within the administration, it's nothing but straight-A's for the boss.

"I'm gonna give him an A. He's really changed the mindset of Americans," Energy Secretary Rick Perry told Scripps. The former Texas governor was one of many high-ranking administration officials the White House rolled out this week to trumpet Trump's accomplishments.

"The president is just getting started and he is has made great progress, I think. And the numbers bear that out. More executive orders and pieces of legislation than anyone if 50 years," said Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager who now serves as counselor to the president.

Those executive orders, which have been criticized as little more than press releases, include reviews of financial and environmental protections the administration says hurt business and kill jobs. And thirteen of the 28 bills the President has signed include outright cancelations of similar regulations finalized late in Barack Obama's presidency.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the President's use of executive orders, an action Trump condemned Obama for exercising, is different now because Trump's have the effect of giving "power back in the hands of people, take back the power the federal government has seized."

"I'm really proud of him being able to just naturally and brilliantly connect with people on his own, cut out the middleman when he needs to," Conway said.

While the President's use of the bully pulpit in rallies or on Twitter has kept his base firmly behind him - his voters give him a 93% approval rating, according to a University of Virginia Center for Politics poll  - it's also hurt him in court, where judges have used his words against him to block his ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries and his order to strip federal funding from "sanctuary cities" that do not fully cooperate with national immigration enforcement.

Still, Spicer isn't about to tell the president to cut out inflammatory tweets like the ones attacking judges who have ruled against him, or the ones falsely suggesting millions voted illegally in the November election, or the one making unsubstantiated claims that President Obama ordered a "tap" on his phones in Trump Tower.

"He got himself here and defied the odds so the last thing I want to do is tell someone who has defied all those odds how to do a better job," Spicer said.

And what about the big-ticket items like repealing and replacing Obamacare and reforming the tax code that Trump's campaign promised would happen, but haven't, in the first 100 days?

"There's a patience and perspective out in America that some of us inside the Beltway lack," Conway said.

Even with that breathing room, promises are promises, and as we go from grading the first 100 days to evaluating Trump's first year - or first term - the pressure on the President to deliver on his ambitious agenda will only intensify.