In Wilson county, a group of churches is coming together to make sure everyone has a warm and safe place to stay in the winter weather.
This is the third year the Compassionate Hands ministry has coordinated the effort. From Dec. 1 to Mar. 15 volunteers with the ministry work with 14 churches of different denominations to provide shelters for people in need.
“”The man goal of Compassionate Hands is to make sure they have a roof over their heads for that night and a good meal,” said Tonya Glasgow, Operation Manager of Compassionate Hands. “We don’t want anyone on the streets. That is the main goal.”
Every night during the three month program, various churches will open their doors to help. Volunteers also pick up homeless men, women and children across the city each night and bring them to Cross Style Church in Lebanon for a hot meal. On Wednesday night, the Carrick Glen Assisted Living Facility in Mt. Juliet provided the food. Guests are registered, and then taken to a designated church where they have a warm and safe place to stay.
The ministry has grown each year, and this winter has already helped around 568 people.
“Compassionate Hands is so cool because churches are doing something together we are all passionate about,” said Sean Patrick, with Cross Style Church. “There are no walls there. It’s a phenomenal thing.”
Patrick said the program is an important resource for the community and so many people from across the city team up to make it come together.
For more information on the Compassionate Hands ministry click here.