NewsChannel 5+OpenLine


Gentrification and it's Effect on Housing

Posted at 5:00 PM, Mar 29, 2018
and last updated 2018-03-29 18:00:46-04

Is it becoming too expensive to live here?

Gentrification is the process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle-class taste.

Nashville, and the surrounding areas have seen tremendous growth over the last few years. Which has led to higher demand for more housing, businesses, etc...

In doing so, the city is making room for an influx of new residents. But how does that affect the lower income residents who've been here for years?

Oftentimes they are displaced, and forced to move elsewhere. Some are left with no where to go.

Ben Hall is joined on OpenLine by TSU Professor Dr. Anthony Campbell, TSU Student Marie Baugh, and Kay Bowers of the New Level Community Development Corporation to discuss the effects of Gentrification on low income neighborhoods.