Dr. Austin Agee gave tips on how parents can help their children (K-4th grade) with reading comprehension and retention during fall break. For online reading resources visit:
Reading Rockets- https://www.readingrockets.org/topics/activities/articles/25-activities-reading-and-writing-fun [readingrockets.org]
Teaching With a Mountain View- https://teachingwithamountainview.com/fall-read-alouds/ [teachingwithamountainview.com]
Storyline Online- this has several animated books that kids can listen and watch famous people read https://storylineonline.net/ [storylineonline.net]
Free Children’s Stories- meaningful storytelling with access to free books https://www.freechildrenstories.com/ [freechildrenstories.com]
ABCya!- Read and listen to stories and play several educational games https://www.abcya.com/ [abcya.com]