LifestyleExcellent Educators


Guild Elementary Kindergarten Teacher Nicole Steele


From dinosaurs, to caves, to learning about being a Paleontologist, Mrs. Steele’s Kindergarten class is always so much fun and that’s why she’s our Excellent Educator!

"It’s the love of teaching, the learning, the excitement. I teach Kindergarten at Guild Elementary. 
This is my tenth year of teaching. 

It’s amazing. It’s their first experience of school, so I want it to be fabulous. I come in and I want them to love school. I want them to be excited to come to school every day. 

This week we are learning about dinosaurs. We have transformed the whole room into a dinosaur world. I have my dinosaur cave. The kids get to be Paleontologists.They get to excavate and dig for their own dinosaurs at one of their stations, and we’ve got fossils. It’s that hands on connection that they can make with things.They have to play to learn. 

We’ve also done our worm unit. They loved learning about worms. We talked about Pilgrims and how life was long ago. We had a snowman unit. In the unit we were seeing how the snowman would melt.
We made bread, and they were all little Chefs. They got to put on the hats. 

You just try. Trial and error. You’ve got to see what works, and if it doesn’t work, it’s ok. Everybody's saying, I’m an adult but can I please come back to Kindergarten? It makes me feel good that I’m doing the right things for these kids." 

Thank you Mrs. Steele for being an Excellent Educator!