NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Sadly summer fun can easily turns to tragedy around the water.
Drownings are increasing, which is why it's so very important to follow basic safety precautions whether you're at the pool, a lake or the ocean.
Drowning is the number one leading cause of unintentional death for children ages 1 through 4, and the rate of drowning for black children is more than twice as high as white children.
Experts say that teaching children how to swim at an early age is one of the best ways to prevent drowning.
“There are many free or reduced-cost swimming classes for kids and there’s online water safety classes for parents or caregivers available from your local YMCA, Red Cross, or your local Parks and Rec Department," said Consumer Reports Health Editor Catherine Roberts. "These are life-saving skills.”
Try to find a program that teaches “water competency” both with swimming and safety skills.
Elsa Abramov enrolled her daughters in swimming lessons early on because they have a pool in their yard and live on the water.
It’s also important for adults to take water safety lessons, including CPR and basic first aid.
“Whether you’re in a pool, at a beach, or at a lake, designate a “water watcher” to watch your kids even when there’s a lifeguard present," Roberts said. "That should be their only task; they should not be reading, texting, playing games, or distracted by anything else.”
Remember these rules: An adult should provide touch supervision, meaning they must be within arm’s length of infants, toddlers, and children who aren’t confident swimmers.
Flotation devices are not a substitute for active supervision. Kids without strong swimming skills should wear a “U.S. Coast Guard-approved” life jacket.
And because nearly 70 percent of drownings among young children happen during non-swim times, all pools should have a fence and a gate that locks or latches automatically.
And don't forget the sunscreen for you and the kids. And be sure to reapply every two hours or after going in the water.

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-Lelan Statom