MoneyConsumerConsumer Reports


Struggling to find care for your pet in need? Here are some tips.


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — For a lot of people, their pets are family and when they get sick, they'll spend whatever it takes to make them better.

There are the routine check ups and those unexpected emergencies. There is pet insurance out there that can help cover some of those costs, but not everyone is convinced that pet insurance is worth it and that there are better ways to save and pay for medical care for your pets.

Paulina Vargas had pet insurance for the other dogs she’s had, but with Nigel and Bella, she decided not to get it.

“It makes more sense for us not to be paying monthly fees for the pet insurance and we decided it’s the best option for us is just to pay it out of pocket,” she said.

Paulina is not alone. A survey by Consumer Reports revealed pet owners are pretty unhappy with pet insurance coverage.

“In our survey, over two thousand members shared their experience with pet insurance covering everything from what’s actually covered, to the premiums they paid and the claims process for getting reimbursed. And overall, there was no real top dog," said Brian Vines. "In fact, most of the results found that the insurance companies were all pretty middle of the pack.”

Consumer Reports looked at survey data on eight pet insurance providers. On average, the total cost was around 47 dollars per month per pet.

Six insurance providers earned a midrange overall satisfaction score – two bottomed out with unfavorable ratings.

So, what can you do to save? Put what you would spend on the insurance premium into a dedicated savings account.

“Self-insure by putting away money every month into a direct deposit high yield savings account that you can draw from should your fur baby need some medical assistance," Vines said.

If you’re struggling to afford medical care for your pet, consider a trip to a veterinary college that may offer discounts on everything from checkups to spaying and neutering.

And if your pet needs medicine, shop around. It can be cheaper to order medications online from places like Chewy, Petco, PetMeds, and Walmart Pet Pharmacy.

On a snow day at the Capitol, we met a silver suited snowboarding lawyer

Shred the gnar with Patrick - the snowboarding lawyer that will remind you not to take things too seriously! His cheeky, cheerful attitude is contagious. His only complaint? The lack of chairlifts at the Tennessee State Capitol of course. Watch his story for an instant pick-me-up on a frigid day.

-Rebecca Schleicher