

Store Owner Dragged Behind Getaway Vehicle After Robbery

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The owner of the Country Cupboard Market in Coopertown was dragged behind the getaway car involved in a robbery.
The owner had a bank bag under his arm, when a customer grabbed the cash, and ran out of the store. 
"When I came in she was on the phone pale. Looked like she just seen a ghost. When I came in Danny was gone he went after him," said Heather Hyde, Country Cupboard Market employee.
Danny, the owner went after a customer who's been in the store before, although the owners couldn't remember his name.
"He went to go grab on to the car and was just dragged a little bit. And that's what scratched up his face and his knees," said Hyde.
"We come up here all the time and it's just heartbreaking  that someone would do that, especially to people that we know," said one customer.
"Usually there's cops everywhere right across the street because there's a lot of speeders through here," said Hyde.
But there were no officers Monday around 3:30 p.m. when the owner was being dragged behind a get away vehicle.
If you have any information that could help law enforcement, give the Robertson County Sheriff's Office a call at (615) 384-4911.