

Could Nashville Voters Decide Property Tax Increase Proposal?


Should Nashville voters get to decide whether more money should head to Metro Schools? Metro School Board member Christiane Buggs says she wants to look into the possibility of a voter referendum to raise property taxes, after Metro Council voted down a tax increase this week.

Among other shortages, the decision not to increase taxes meant Metro Schools would remain $22 million underfunded, meaning cuts to central office positions that could reach teachers.

So Buggs says she wants to explore the possibility of having the School Board propose a referendum for voters to decide the question of a property tax increase as early as august.

"It's good to just know what they want," Buggs said. "If they want to support schools in this way, we should at least offer them the chance."

Buggs says she's not trying to circumvent the processes already in place with the Metro Council and the Mayor, she says she just wants to explore all possible options.