

Do Metro Police Officers Racially Profile Nashville Drivers?

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Do Metro Police Officers racially profile Nashville drivers? According to a recent report from a civil rights group, that answer is "yes" -- but Monday night was a chance for Metro cops to respond to that charge.

The group Gideon's Army released a report in October that shows in Nashville, black men are more likely to be pulled over in their vehicles by police officers, and are more likely to be searched than white men.

But Metro Police Commander Terrence Graves said the data reflects the department’s strategy, to more heavily patrol areas where victims report more crime.

“Let’s say you find 60 percent of your sales are coming from south Florida, it would make sense to send most of your inventory to south Florida,” Graves said.

An ordinance sponsored by council members Erica Gilmore and Bob Mendes would require police to report more demographic information about their traffic stops. That will be up for discussion in March.