

Elderly worried about Nashville’s 34% tax hike

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — While the city's property tax hike is meant to help Nashville recover from the March tornado and COVID-19 shutdown, it could negatively impact the city's elderly population.

There are a couple of tax assistance programs for some Nashville residents who will have a hard time paying the 34% property tax hike.

Irene Boyd has seen it all in Germantown. Her street was hit by the tornado, and we’re in the middle of a pandemic, which means some people have fallen on hard times.

“We’re concerned even about those who are over 65 and have lived in neighborhoods for a long time, and may not be able to keep up the payments,” Boyd said. “Sets up gentrification, and I think there’s a real concern about that.”

She’s thankful she’s eligible for Metro’s tax freeze program, and she wants others to know about it too. For the tax freeze program, homeowners age 65 and older must make under $42,620 to qualify.

“I’ve lived here 38 years and I’ve put a lot into this, and to think I have to leave this just cause I can’t keep up the property tax would be pretty devastating," said Boyd.

Metro also has a tax relief program where homeowners can be reimbursed if they make under $29,860 a year.

“Take advantage of it if you have any opportunity. It meant a lot to me,” Boyd said.

The deadline to apply is July 1st. You can call the Davidson County Trustee’s office at 615-862-6330 if you’d like to apply.