

How to save money at the pump

Gas is averaging $4.12 across the state
gas prices spike

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — As gas prices continue to rise to high levels, many have wondered what they can do to save money. The average cost for a gallon of gas right now in Tennessee is $4.12 according to AAA.

There’s a couple things AAA experts recommend drivers can do at home to help save a penny which includes things like checking tire pressure and making sure you’re up to date on your car’s maintenance like oil changes.

The heavier the car, the more it will impact your gas mileage. Take a look to see what you can remove from your trunk. Also, now that many of us are back in the office AAA recommends carpooling and cutting down on extra trips.

Right now in Tennessee, drivers pay a state gas tax of 27 cents per gallon. Several state lawmakers have an idea to save money and are wanting Governor Lee to declare a moratorium on the state gas tax. Halting it would reduce revenue for the transportation fund, but it could save Tennesseans hundreds of millions of dollars.

According to AAA, as long as people are filling up gas prices will continue to steadily climb.