

3 Teens Arrested For Rash Of Car Break-Ins In Belle Meade Neighborhood


Three teens were placed under arrest after perhaps more than a dozen cars were found broken into and searched for valuables in a Belle Meade neighborhood between Thursday night and Friday morning.

According to Metro Nashville police, the break-ins were discovered by residents of the Westover and Pembroke Avenue-area and called in Friday morning. Police responded to about ten calls of people complaining their cars had been ransacked and some items were missing. Police said one person reported having his handgun stolen.

Kevin Casey didn't know his SUV had been broken into until a NewsChannel5 crew informed him people were reporting break-ins.

"I forgot to lock it, but they went through. They were obviously looking for valuable stuff. None of which was in here," Casey said.

Police said a 16-year-old and two 18-year-olds were arrested and were being charged in connection with the break-ins.

Police also wanted to remind people to lock their cars. All of the break-ins involved cars that were unlocked.