

Neighbors Fight To Save Nashville Home


People in one Nashville neighborhood have rallied around a historic home in order to save it.

The home on Glendale Lane is about 100 years old, and was one of the last zookeeper's cottages when the city's first zoo was located in the area.

The home next door was built in 1960. Neighbors said a developer has planned to tear down both homes, and build 6 tall-skinny homes on the lots.

People who live nearby said this change would increase traffic, and wouldn't fit in with the rest of the neighborhood.

“That house being a 1906 build – it’s great to preserve history in Nashville neighborhoods, and not see it all torn down,” said neighbor Brian Hylbert

The issue will go before the Metro Planning Commission on December 10th.

Neighbors said they will be at the meeting to speak out against the possible changes.