

Meet the artist behind the upcoming mural NewsChannel 5 has commissioned

Posted: 6:49 PM, Nov 01, 2023
Updated: 2023-11-28 12:45:39-05
Kimberly Clo

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — What better way to spread love than through art? In Nashville, what better way to share art than in a mural?

We are known for our beautiful murals, and as a gift to Nashville, NewsChannel 5 wanted to create one too. We want to introduce you to the artist we’ve chosen to design something special for the city we love.

Having work on display at The Studio 208 downtown was not what Kimberly Clo expected for herself.

"I was not seeing this coming, cause I was a hairdresser for 25 years," Kimberly smiled. "I did hair out of my house in a little spot in East Nashville."

During the isolation of COVID, Kimberly began leaning into her art at home. She was finding a way to have a new voice.

"These are transmissions of love and the language and the poetry of geometry," she said, showcasing her work. "It's sacred geometry, where you use this compass and straight edge. You just work with what these shapes will naturally do. These are paper mirrors. These are how I see myself. Everything is coded with meaning. Every color I use has meaning."

Kimberly loves this direction her life suddenly took.

"To me, it's been about the total surrender to the I-don't-know-ness of my life, and saying 'yes' to when my energy lights up about something," said Kimberly.

Now, comes an exciting new step in her journey.

"This is the biggest canvas," Kimberly said, standing in front of a brick wall. "It's the biggest creation I have made yet."

Kimberly has been commissioned to create a mural for NewsChannel 5. We can't tell you the location or show you the design just yet. Kimberly can't wait to start creating.

"It's gonna be this little portal of goodness and fun," she said. "It's letting in your own good. Somehow city sounds, kinda like the ocean, go into a hum and it feels kinda relaxing. It reminds me, I'm going to be creating for the people driving by, the people who walk by, that's who it's actually for."

Kimberly puts it in a way truly befitting of an artist. What's led her here today is a series of small decisions that all make up her story. Whatever the mural may be, Kimberly has something to say.

"Embrace change," she said. "Embrace difference. Embrace community. Embrace one another. Most importantly, embrace love for yourself. That's where it all starts."

You will be seeing more stories about Kimberly and our mural. We are excited to be able to add this art to the city we call home. When it’s finished we hope you will be able to come take a look and enjoy it as well.