With temperatures rising above 90 degrees each day of the week and the hottest temperature of the year hit on Thursday, Metro Police have sent out officers on heat patrol to make sure those who need water are able to have it.
"This is not uncommon for us to do, we give out bottles of water pretty routinely," sergeant Michael Gooch with the Central Precinct said, adding that on hot days, they put in an extra effort. "On days like today, especially when it's as hot as it is, we definitely are out there with our resources and giving back to the community."
Officers tend to target spots where they know people hang out, specifically the homeless community.
"We just try to help them out, keep them cool, keep them hydrated," officer Chase Birdwell explained.
While the focus is on providing water to keep people hydrated, officers take it a step further and use the interaction as an opportunity to connect, and to earn trust.
"A bottle of water can go a long way when you just want to reach out and talk to somebody about what they're going through and what resources they may need," Gooch said, adding that it's not just on hot days where they aim to help those who need it. "It's like our winter program, when it's extremely cold, we get them to shelters, but when it's hot like this, it can just be dangerous."
For many officers, it's not just about protecting and serving, but about making that connection to people they call their neighbors.
"We just like to make sure that we can bridge those gaps and give them the resources and some of the fundamental needs on a daily basis," Gooch said.
For those who need additional help, the Nashville Rescue Mission and the Room In The Inn provide shelter and water throughout the year.