

Nashville examines its COVID-19 response

Report shows strengths, weaknesses
COVID booster shots at Metro Public Health
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — A new report focuses on how well Nashville's COVID-19 response has been holding up throughout the pandemic in order to better prepare for future variants.

Nashville is one of the first cities to do a comprehensive review. The self-examination highlighted strengths and weaknesses to focus on as new variants emerge.

It found city leaders did well with a science-driven approach when data was available, science-based crisis communications and public-private partnerships were more engaged than what other cities saw.

Former Senate Majority Leader Dr. Bill Frist said the city had used crisis communication before during major flooding in 2010 and the deadly tornado in 2020.

As for what needs improvement, the review found the city underinvested in the infrastructure of public health systems, vulnerable and marginalized communities need to be better addressed and leaders should work toward better aligning protocols and responses within communities to make things standardized across the board.

The report presents 28 short, mid and long-term recommendations that city leaders will now work to improve as the pandemic continues.

"Nashville did as well or better than better than most cities its size, but we were still able to identity these areas where we know if we do better we will be better prepared in the future," said Frist.

Twenty-eight short, medium and long term recommendations and action items were given. The recommendations should be followed by hospitals, community-based organizations, government, researchers, non-profits and business leaders.

"It gives a roadmap on how to do that. Not just with one shot, not just while the snake is at our feet and we need to react," said Frist. "But over the next month, next six months and year. If we follow that roadmap we’ll sure to be better prepared to respond to the next variant."