

New tuition-free program at APSU available to some incoming freshmen, transfer students

According to APSU, incoming freshman and transfer students qualify if they are eligible for the HOPE scholarship and if their family income is under a certain threshold.
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CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — A local university’s new program would allow some students to go to school for free!

Austin Peay State University (APSU) will offer a tuition-free program to certain students in Fall 2025. It will cover any remaining tuition or fees after all other financial aid, scholarships or grants are applied.

To qualify, incoming freshmen and transfer students would need to also qualify for the HOPE scholarship, and their family income needs to be under $75,000.

"If you're graduating from any high school in the state Tennessee or Fort Campbell high, and you're coming from a household that makes less than $75,000 a year, you can attend Austin Peay for free, no tuition, no fees," explained APSU president Dr. Mike Licari.

Rachel Nelson and her son Court were excited to hear about the new program.

"This, this is huge. I mean...the weight that it can take off our shoulders to be able to send him to school...he's worked so hard," she said.

Although she is still working to find out if her son meets the requirements, Rachel says the program is a good thing regardless.

"I think it's an amazing thing," she said. "Even if we aren't able to qualify for it, I'm excited for the students that will be able to qualify for it."

"That's the reason I'm in this job — to make students, make families better off," added Dr. Licari. "This is such a powerful way to do that."

A student will need to apply to APSU, complete the FAFSA, and sign up for Governors Orientation by May 1 to be considered for the program.

For more information, or to apply, visit the APSU website or contact the Office of Admissions at 931-221-7661 or

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Wilson County Rotary Clubs donate 100,000th book to local schools

It takes a village! Hats off to the Wilson County Rotary clubs for investing in our kids in such a tangible way. Putting 100,000 books in the hands of little learners is something to celebrate. I love that they store the books in a bank vault — they truly are priceless!

-Carrie Sharp