

Tennessee Dems: Lee ‘putting lives at risk’ by reopening state

Bill Lee
and last updated

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — The House Democratic Caucus says Gov. Bill Lee is putting Tennesseans at risk by reopening the state “too soon" amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

House Democrats said in a release Tuesday that they have “zero confidence in Gov. Lee’s ability to preserve the life of Tennesseans in a reopened state.”

"While the Caucus fully supports getting Tennesseans back to work, it needs to be done in a manner that protects the lives of residents during this unprecedented humanitarian crisis," Democrats said in a release.

Lee announced Monday that the state’s “Safer at Home” order would expire on April 30. Most businesses in 89 counties will be allowed to re-open on May 1. However, that does not apply to major cities like Nashville. Nashville Mayor John Cooper said there will be a “phased” reopening of the city, which should begin in early May but that decision will be based on "hard data."

House Democrats say the state needs to get the "basics" right, citing PPE shortages and “insufficient and incomplete testing,” before reopening.