NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Part of Mayor Freddie O'Connell's transit plan, which he hopes will be up for a vote in November, includes revamping up to 600 traffic lights in Nashville.
The option the Mayor is proposing would use technology to coordinate traffic lights based on demand, hoping to avoid situations where cars have to stop at red lights even when there's no one at the intersection with the green light.
But where would the money come from to help pay for it? One proposal is a half percent sales tax increase, which would spread the cost not only to people who live in Nashville and pay property tax, but also to tourists visiting from out of town.
O'Connell hopes his transit referendum will fare better than the 2018 plan, which voters soundly rejected.
Fostering Hope provides Christmas for kids in foster care. I'm delighted to see Fostering Hope expand this year to expand their reach to now include kids in Foster care in metro AND foster kids in East TN hard hit by Helene.
-Bree Smith