Out of Friday's flash floods came an incredible rescue story. A man saved his in-laws who were stranded on the roof of their home using, of all things, a surfboard.
During the flooding off Old Gallatin Road in Portland, waters were rising at Terry and Shirley Mullins house.
They called their daughter and son In law for help as they punched a hole through the roof to climb on top of their house.
His son-in-law Greg Jones showed up with a surfboard and paddled out to the home towing a boat behind him. He got his in-laws off the house and onto the boat, then paddled back to safety.
"When I saw the current, I was kind of worried about if the roof falls, and I could already see it kind of shifted the house, so I just had to have a little sense of urgency about getting them off the roof," Jones said.
The family is thankful that everyone in the home got out safely, but without flood insurance, they'll have to start over again, on their own.