NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — With the strike of a gavel, the 114th Tennessee General Assembly officially got underway Tuesday. Fierce debate over topics won't start for a few weeks. The first day is largely ceremonial, highlighting the grand traditions of the legislature's opening day.
"I hereby declare the organizational session of the House of Representatives of the 114th General Assembly of the State of Tennessee now in session," said Speaker Cameron Sexton, a Republican from Crossville, as he gaveled in the 2025 session.
Lawmakers usually bring their families as they raise their right hand and repeat the oath.
"It’s definitely going to be emotional, my mother is here," said Rep. Aron Maberry, a newly elected Clarksville Republican.
We spoke to several of the incoming class of the Tennessee House of Representatives, who shared about their journey getting to the state house and what they hope to achieve.
"I ran for office three times, so it took me three times to get here," said Rep. Gabby Salinas, a Memphis Democrat. "That’s why I got into politics. I’m a three-time cancer survivor — and I think its a travesty that someone in our country can have health insurance and still go bankrupt."
But one of the oldest traditions involves a ton of stairs and is rarely seen beyond the two stat employees that are tasked with climbing to the capitol's Cupola. As soon as the clock strikes noon, they open the hatch and raise the General Assembly's flag. It only flies when lawmakers are in session. You can see video of the flag being raised in the video player above.
For all the pageantry and collegiality, there were still moments of rivalry. At one point, Rep. Justin Jones, a Nashville Democrat, yelled out a critique of Speaker Cameron Sexton during a roll call vote.

"You have led this house down a path of embarrassment," yelled Jones before casting his vote for Minority Leader Karen Camper for speaker.
Eventually, Speaker Sexton won re-election, and during his acceptance speech, made a joke about no Democrats officially voting for him.

"I greatly appreciate all that voted for me today, and for those of you who didn’t. I do know some of you wanted to, and I do understand that," said Sexton.
Members of the Tennessee Three — Rep. Jones, Rep. Justin Pearson and Rep. Gloria Johnson — also found they had new seating assignments in opposite corners of the chamber far away from each other.
Then again, moments of rivalry mixed with the occasional chivalry could also be considered another grand tradition of this legislature.
Do you have more information about this story? You can email me at

It takes a village! Hats off to the Wilson County Rotary clubs for investing in our kids in such a tangible way. Putting 100,000 books in the hands of little learners is something to celebrate. I love that they store the books in a bank vault — they truly are priceless!
-Carrie Sharp